Solid foundational #HTML, #CSS, #JavaScript course

Solid foundational HTML, CSS, JavaScript course

Solid foundational HTML, CSS, JavaScript course

Get prepared for the front end development world by learning the must-have fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript

4.1 (ratings 240) | students enrolled 4,572

Tatiana Minina


32 Lessons


Certificate Available

What Will You Learn?

  1. You'll learn how to build a static web page
  2. You'll be able to style the text
  3. You'll get the skills to add interactivity to the web page
  4. You'll get the foundational knowledge with a short history of the main front end development programming languages

Curriculum  1hr 34min

Enroll now


Let me guess: you’re a beginner programmer or zero-skills programmer-wannabe who’s thinking about converting your talent and ideas into action. That’s great! And if you’re more interested in how the web application looks instead of what happens at the back, then you’re in the right place! HTML, CSS, JavaScript – the holy trinity of the front end development is something that you must be familiar with inside-out if you want to learn front end development.

What’s the purpose of learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript?

By learning HTML, CSS and Javascript, you gain the skills to design a website of your own. You may then go more in-depth learning the secrets and best practices of front end development and choose one of the numerous job offers for JavaScript developers in the IT industry.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the fundamental languages at learning web development, and you’ve got to make sure you learn them correctly right from the beginning. These days, the drag & drop website builders are getting better and better, and some businesses or individuals choose to build their websites with those tools. That’s ok, but if you’re planning a career in web development, you’ll have to be more creative and skillful than that.

What’s in this front end development course for you?

This course will provide you with the very base of front end development, covering HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Experienced programmers and instructors will agree that the best way of learning a programming language is to study about the language, its history (so you know the context of why it was created and why it still exists among all the newly arrived alternatives), and then start going through the basic concepts, trying out how it works in practice. That is the structure of this course.

In the introduction, you’ll get an overview of the standard website structure and its components in the front end. You’ll learn about four different types of web developer tools, including CMS, in-browser, online, and IDEs.

You’ll then learn how HTML is used to transform the code into a page. We’ll study its history and evolution over the years, so you get a structural understanding of the language.

You will then move on to find out about how the beauty and the magic of websites are created with CSS and JavaScript. You’ll see how to utilize those tools in your code.

Your practical task will be building and styling a simple one-page web application, and you’ll feed it with the data from an external data source.

I hope you’ll enjoy it!

A steady flow of learning

I wouldn’t recommend jumping straight into highly practice-oriented tutorials to learn front end development. And there will be many other teachers offering this route for you, but it’s skipping the fundamentals that are necessary for learning at a deep level. This front end development course is designed to assist you with keeping a steady learning curve so that you learn and you know, and remember how things work. Everything starts with a robust foundation. Get the right basis right here. Good luck!


  • No prior knowledge of HTML, CSS or JavaScript is required
  • You'll need to be using one of the latest browsers

Instructor : Tatiana Minina


STUDENTS : 10,014



I started my career as a teacher at the elementary school in Russia. When we moved to Canada, I've got QXpress certificate as a desktop publisher and webmaster after studying books of David Blatner (still have one of them). The same way I learned web development: reading books and playing with the code. I became a professional web developer, and in my opinion, anyone can do the same.


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